Empty box of Empty hours.

A poem all about the lost time in-between spending time with family on xmas day and friends on new years eve. Family and friends time is precious it does not matter if you have a faith or not any old excuse will do to see family and friends. But there can be periods when time seems to drag until the next meet up. These can be very empty hours/days/weeks.

empty light box hours
Empty box of empty hours.

Here we are among the empty hours,
There the box sits empty back on its shelf,
The empty hours full of failed promise,
From the box of xmas pretties,
These promises came.

Here we are among the empty hours,
The empty box of promises,
 Back on its shelf,
Family been and gone,
 Empty hours lay ahead,
The empty hours of loneliness,
The empty box waiting for refill,
Sparkly baubles still on the tree.

Goggle box empty of entertainment,
Empty days between, 
Empty of meaning,
Until empty bauble box refilled,
And banished up to the loft.  

©30th dec 2022 rogleach

Lonely Stream.

hello dverse poets. today we have been prompted to write a quadrille (a poem of 44 words) using the word stream.


i have also included the word “lonely” from #FOWC with fandagos one word challenge.


blue stream

Lonely Stream!

My lonely stream of words,

Flows on over deaf ears,

This my lonely stream of words,

Springs from my ravaged heart,

This My lonely demoralised stream of words,

Rolls on past ignorant bystanders.

My lonely stream of words,

Reaches this river of refined bards.

© 26/07/21 rogleach