low how low

Written as an ottava Rima a traditional Italian form. For #dversepoetspub on Thursday 21st March 2024. thanks Grace foe the mighty challenge.

(Inspired by Seasick Steve’s song “Hobo Low”.)

The first line being “When your hobo low there ain’t no where to go when your hobo low.” For a prompt from a live poetry meeting. Where we have been prompted to write a poem inspired by a line from a song.

low how low.

Have you ever lived below, nowhere to go,

Under a loves radar of understanding,

 Luna brightness above, nights darkness below,

Loneliness, thinking you have nothing to bring,

Black clouds gaining, feeding your hobo low,

Craving hugs and kisses, Until the next fling,

Found in the space between Luna and midnight,

Self-love found giving the guts to find my bright.

© 21/03/2024 rog leach

12 thoughts on “low how low

  1. I love the highs and lows of your poem, Rog, especially:

    ‘Luna brightness above, nights darkness below’


    ‘Found in the space between Luna and midnight,
    Self-love found giving the guts to find my bright.’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. have I ever? Yeah, bruvver!

    love the multiple layers of your inspiration and momentum here, Rog! I rippled away into the flow of the message, which was not eclipsed by the form – a good sign of your skill!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the rhythm of the verses and ending couplet/ conclusion : 

    Found in the space between Luna and midnight,

    Self-love found giving the guts to find my bright.

    Happy to see you tackle this poetry form challenge Rog!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Rog,
    You did the prompt proud with this. Not sentimental, but deep, showing a true understanding of what most of us been through one time or another. You handled the form brilliantly without a trace of seams. Good one.

    Liked by 1 person

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