Barking at the wind

written on 11/5/2020 by me,my two sisters , one of my brothers and Otto my sisters nutty dog. we all have at least one stanza each. this became during our family online group chat that day. it just came to mind when the prompt asked what we shared with animals. for us and the families four legged members it was being stuck inside together on a stormy day mid summer. the link to this will be sent accordengly.

Otto the insperation behind this poem and the one who first baked at the wind.

Stuck in these four walls

Cabin fever gets me Barking at the wind                  

Freedom is a fantasy

Is believing in freedom

Just me barking at the wind                           

Soon freedom will come

But I am scared

Soon the wind will hear me

Barking/howling at the wind                         

The walls do not heed

The wind is still not gone

Soon the wind will quieten

Whilst my barking stays strong                     

The wind lessens

The walls soften

My barking eases

What have we learned?                                 

That kindness

Is more important

Then money

In the bank                                                     

6 thoughts on “Barking at the wind

  1. I enjoyed your family collaboration, Rog, including Otto the nutty dog! Lockdown, shielding and isolation without animals must be like purgatory – a pandemic waiting room. Your opening line reminded me of ‘Band on the Run’ by Paul McCartney and Wings. This poem is so joyful, I almost found myself barking at the wind! And the final lines are so true.

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